Monday, April 13, 2009

Divine Fire

The other day I watched My Fair Lady again. I kind of hate musicals (or at least the songs) but I love watching this movie for the costumes and the brilliant dialogue. Kaas gave me this movie when I left because of our favorite quote, belted out by main character Professor Henry Higgins, who basically plays the asshole. As he finds out he is losing Miss Doolittle, the grumpy professor proclaims:

'I can do without anybody. I have my own soul, my own spark of divine fire!'

This quote obviously lends itself to various situations and opportunities.
Anyway, last week I completed my sewing class at the Apparel Arts school. I decided I really want to know how to make clothes (dresses!) but in order to do so you need to know the basics obviously. Finishing the project first in class gave me a secret feeling of great triumph -probably the Aries in me- and in my head I kept hearing Henry Higgins singing: I did it! I said that I could do it and indeed I did!

Here is the purse that I made all by myself! It had pockets! Lining! Pleats!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sank, Mees! Ziet er echt heul goed uit!