Thursday, January 8, 2009


I was quietly browsing craigslist for cars and jobs, when I heard the front door open and voices speaking in Spanish. I keep getting caught off guard by the fact that we have two cleaning ladies. They both listen to the name Maria and they come once a month on Thursdays. Having maids really weirds me out. It's understandable from my roommates point of view, she works all the time and she has the means to hire them. I on the other hand, am seemingly always at home in sweats when they come in. The last time they were here I was so intimidated that I didn't dare ask if I could use the bathroom (because they were cleaning in there) so I sat in bed 'till they were finished, by which time my teeth were floating.
This time I wisely decided to flee the house and bike over to the beach. Biking down there is easy. It's twenty blocks downhill and it was a beautiful day. The waves of the Pacific get pretty intense and I found my little spot on a dune where I can just sit and stare at the water for hours. I made a promise to myself to go down here more often while I still live in the Sunset. It's so close and so nice. If I had to live anywhere outside of the city I am positive it would be in the dunes. Proximity to water and forest (if you're lucky) makes it smell really good and the sunsets are truly marvelous. If you're on a west coast, anyway.
While I was sitting on my dune I read a little in the book my father gave me for Christmas, selected letters from Neal Cassady. A great book for anyone with a fascination for the Beat Generation, like me!
After a gruesome bike ride uphill back home, I find my room cleaned and the Maria's made my bed. I think they even sort of organized my bedside table. Wow.
I need a shower.

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