Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Miktor & Molf

I visited Miktor & Molf a few times when they still had their studio in a trailer in a warehouse. I would bring beer and cigarettes and licorice and once, the Hitkrant. Most of the time I would just sit there and read a bit and bum smokes from Matthijs or the other way around. Sometimes they took off their shirts for mysterious reasons, sometimes they fought, sometimes I would get my skateboarding lesson but they did most of it, not me. And I guess sometimes they work. They are getting their shit together and showing their stuff at places like Sid Lee Collective (of which I have absolutely no clue what it is) and SPRMRKT (some clothing store). Way to go boys, way to go.

Miktor & Molf come up with the funniest titles for things ever.
Miktor & Molf love me, and I love them too.

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