Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Only in America

Rich people get to be really eccentric and toy around like little kids, because their money can make all kinds of crazy shit happen for real. I got to see one of the funniest examples of this today with my own two eyes.
In the lovely Presidio Park, right next to the Golden Gate Bridge, lies Lucasfilm. Industrial Light and Magic, a company owned by George Lucas and part of Lucasfilm, apparently touches just about any film made in Hollywood before it makes its way into the universe with their visual and audio effects. Even though the Presidio is a public park, George Lucas spent over 300 million dollars to obtain an extensive residential lease from the government and built his company buildings right in the park a few years ago. I went to take a look today. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to take any pictures inside the office. They made me sign a release (digitally, they made me a part of the system, man) that I would not tell anything that happened inside or take any pictures.

Luckily, the sun was shining and I could take some pictures of the surroundings.

Behind the office buildings, there runs a creek. It's lovely, even though it looks a bit planted. I took a closer look and found this pole next to a little bridge crossing the water:

Can you believe that? Here's the story: the entire thing is a fake. Good ol' George decided that he didn't want artificial rocks by his creek because it would look like Disneyland and everything. So what did they do? They bought a creek from Marin County. They numbered every single fucking rock in the creek. They noted how it swirled. Then they moved the entire thing and planted it in the back yard.
That's right. This pole made me wonder, also, what the emergeny could be where a creek would need to be shut off?

There is also a Yoda fountain by the way. Very relaxing.

For more on me and my George Lucas adventures, keep an eye on Monobrow. Dutch readers only..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Waarom heet die knop 'EMO'? Wonderbaarlijk.