Monday, December 29, 2008

Marvelous List

Now I know everyone says: Oh forget it Cunningham, there's no gentlemen anymore. Take off the gloves and let's have a fight.

I like reading the NY Times, even though it has shown itself to be a pretty snobbish newspaper. Now I don't mean to get all Sarah Palin on you guys, but it is really elitist. In times of economic repression they report on how to have dinner for under a hundred dollars (oh no!), or how to have personal shoppers come to your mansion so people don't have to see you spend extravagant amounts of cash on clothing as the masses suffer and are reduced to window shopping.
But there is one feature in the Style section that I absolutely adore. It is photographer Bill Cunningham's street style report. Put together as a slide show, he narrates along with the pictures. He seems to be the originator of fashion street photography long before the blogs started popping up, having worked for the Times since 1966 and navigating himself through the city only on his bicycle.
I particularly love listening to that old crackling voice exclaim about small details he points out to us, and his overuse of the word 'marvelous'. I love that word. Marvelous. If I could I'd name my son Marvelous.

Here is an episode I loved, where he goes on the streets and finds what he calls the Mark of a Gentleman.
It's an older one from about a month ago, but please take the time to press on the link, it will only take two minutes out of your life and you can thank me later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

‘…and certainly it isn’t the lifestyle of the lumberjack…’, ha ha, dat wordt een klassiekertje voor ondergetekende.

was getekend,
Rufus Ketting